Draping is the action of transforming the drapery into a three-dimensional form. The art of using the drapery as draping goes back to 3500 BCE, with the Mesopotamians and Ancient Egyptians. Later on, the Greeks followed them and invented draped silhouettes as peplos, chiton, chlamys, and himation. Ancient Romans found the toga, which is a fabric that wraps and drapes around the body. peplos chito chlampys himation toga The traditional clothing style has reflected in Ancient Greek and Roman art pieces. Yet nudity was a costume used by artists to create a heroic moment and commonly the male body was used. Besides, in daily life men strode without their togas in the parties called symposia, where they would drink and eat, nudity was also allowed in the Olympic games. On the other hand, in wars being nude was considered suicidal, thus if you would go to the war with the naked body, you’ve got to be a really good fighter. This rela...
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